The Alps
Ski, bike, eat fondue and repeat
This is the journey where Sami, Gaby and Bella decided to go for an adventure into the alps. A trip emerge into photography with Sami Sauri documenting, our goal is inspire people to seek more adventures, to combine sports and use the bike as a method of transport in places like the mountains where are the most impactful.

It’s just the matter to step out of your door and discover your backyard
DAY 1 - Our first day of ski,bike,eat fondue and repeat because why not! I personally been into combining sports that from the bike can take to anywhere you want so here I go with two friends into a full winter adventure this time!
A good start and sort of unpredictable to know that three days ago we where in shorts shorts riding and now this snow just came which is great for the skiing and a bit more freshy for cycling 😅 anyways we didn't do a massive long day as we started around 1pm climbed a little col and ended in a interesting town called Abodance!

DAY 2 - After the ski to bike transition in the morning we went up a few hundred meters up to Refuge du Tinderets, this small little cabin up in what we could call wonderland was set to have the best time. A good fondue and some monopoly game with a sip of Genepy.

DAY 3 - Next day woke up not even cold tbh and had a good Ridgline coffee and where ready to go. Our plan was to go up Point d'Ardens, conditions where 50/50 si we took it easy and went the comfortable way to the top.
All the plan went smoothly and so we descended the mountin having sime nice sliding pow with some touch on the rocks but still was snowing!
Got a lift of a car back down to Abondance and then made a transition on les than 40 min with all the gear straped into the bike and ready to go over the pass again. Roads where dryer but also colder, we climbed up this pass and even before the top we already got our layers on so we don't freeze.
Dropping the other side to the valley of Saint Jean d'Aulps made us all realize how fantastique this trip was.
We arrived back to home and cheers with a little Genepy shoe drink that we got on our first day.